The Origins of a Journey

When I was growing up, I knew that I wanted to help and nurture people. My college career earned me a BA in psychology, and post college an MSW. In 1993 I started working as a therapist in a private practice. It was a dream of mine. I married my best friend and we had two daughters. In 2005 I stopped working to focus on my family. When my marriage fell apart, and I was left to raise my girls alone, I suffered from depression and anxiety.

For years I had been searching for my purpose. I made several wrong turns, and experimented with many unfulfilling jobs.  I was able to experience some catharsis in writing and publishing my memoir,  A Widow’s Walk, and yet my suffering continued. After two failed relationships, I found the recovery community. It was in these rooms that I learned how to heal. Eventually I found myself gravitating towards work that filled my soul. It was this gradual unfolding in my personal and professional life that I discovered I could combine my  graduate studies and trainings with my creative and spiritual practices: Yoga, hiking, gardening, baking and cooking, flower arranging, jewelry making, decorating, decluttering & repurposing, and writing are all the daily practices that bring me serenity and joy, and now I want to share them with you.

- Jennifer Burman